Saturday, July 17, 2010

I Forgot To Buy Diapers . . .

Are there any moms out there who remember what it's like to have a memory?  Because I sure don't.  Before I became a mother, I heard people talk about "Mommy Brain" and honestly thought that it was a joke!  Wow, I couldn't have been more wrong!  I can get up from the computer, walk to the kitchen (which is literally about 10 steps) and have already forgotten why I got up.

But last night takes the cake - I forgot to buy diapers!  Seriously, how does the mother of an 18 month old forget to buy diapers?  And it's not like we are just moderately low.  We were almost out two days ago, so I brought home some of the stash Liam has at daycare to get us through until grocery day.

Somehow, in my infinite wisdom I neglected to put diapers on the grocery list, so I didn't even think of it until last night at bedtime as I reach for a diaper off the shelf.  It's a good thing Liam's not at the "repeat everything he hears" stage because if he was, "shit" would be the word of the day!

So, this morning, I began scrounging to see how many diapers I had in the house . . . 2 on the shelf in the bedroom, 3 in the basket in the living room, 4 in the diaper bag and 1 emergency diaper in the truck . . . phew, unless the boy develops explosive diarrhea we should be OK until tomorrow when we have to go into town anyway . . . but that's not the point . . . 

Or maybe it is . . . I can't remember . . . 

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